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'The Black Diasporic 'Back to Africa' Repatriation Society is an Oakland, California based  (non-profit) institution.Our organization is built on the historical precedent in U.S history of the 'Colonial Repatriation Societies' of the 19th century that were successful at REPATRIATING thousands of: freemen, freedmen/former slaves back to their original homeland of Africa.                         God-willing we also intend to bring together Sudanese/Nubian culture and African Diasporic culture under on "roof". The connection between the Sudanese and Blacks in the North American diaspora is over a century old starting with the Honorable Sudani Missionary and social activist: Sidi Satti Majid (May ALLAH show mercy on him) who came to the U.S in 1904 when he began in his calling of the oppressed, down-trodden 'Jim Crow' era "negroes" (and whites) etc. He was the first to greatly add to our sojourn/legacy in our historic return to AL-ISLAM. For the last 100 plus years The Sudanese and American Blacks have always held good, solid and fraternal relations with the most notable being with Al Hajj Malik El Shabazz (Malcolm X) and his closeness with Sheik Ahmed Hassoun and Osman Ali whom both are Sudanese. This is what Malik Shabazz said of the Sudanese people: " I was impressed the most by the Muslims of the Sudan. Their religious piety and hospitality are unmatched anywhere. I really felt in heaven and at home there." Malcolm X was honored with a United State postal stamp with his likeness on it for his international humanitarian work. "Russell Adams, chair of Afro-American Studies at Howard University in Washington, added: "The approval of this stamp represents an improvement in America's perspective of Malcolm's significance and positive impact on the American scene, not only within the black community but the entire community."           


Your generous asisstance can make the dreams of many Blacks in the U.S to visit Africa a reality.In doing so will open the doors for many others that share the strong desire to return to Africa as well.Every other racial group in the U.S (except Black Americans!) hold ties with their countries of origin,which makes those individual feel proud about who they are continuing the path that their ancestors laid out for them etc. Blacks can achieve this and continue be apart of the contributions of what they have greatly added to this nation.

This is your wonderful opportunity in helping bridge the gaps between Diasporan Blacks and all others who wish to be apart of this unique exsperience

This is your wonderful opportunity in helping bridge the gaps between Diasporan Blacks and all others who wish to be apart of this unique exsperience

To help individuals and families repatriate or visit Sudan (study/work/ abroad etc) and enjoy Sudanese culture while exchanging our culture with them etc.

                        Please Donate To:

The Black Diasporic 'Back to Africa' Repatriation Society



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